A smart thermostat is one of the most popular gadgets among homeowners. According to surveys, 63 percent of families want to install this device in their homes.
If you just bought yourself a smart thermostat, you need to know how to install it. Well, you’ve hit the mark! Read our installation guide to find out all the important and interesting stuff.
How the smart thermostat came to be
Not everyone knows what a thermostat is. It’s a device that controls the temperature in our home. It controls the heating and air conditioning systems.
This means that every time you want to change the heating temperature, you have to adjust it on the thermostat control panel.
This system has some undeniable disadvantages. For example, you can’t always prevent a sudden cold or heat wave, because most systems take some time to adjust the temperature. And if you want to wake up warm and comfortable, you will have to leave the heating on overnight, which incurs discomfort during sleep and bills.
That’s why programmable thermostats have been replacing conventional thermostats at an enormous rate. Now more and more people are trying to install them, because they can be programmed to heat and cool, at any point in time. For example half an hour before you get home from work, or an hour before your alarm clock.
It’s a handy feature, no doubt about it. Do you have a Force Majeure? Change of plans? Did the weather change drastically? Well, the smart thermostat will come to your rescue!

How does a smart thermostat work?
A “smart” thermostat, just like a programmable thermostat, you can set up on a control panel that’s in your home. But this panel also connects to the Internet. That means you can control the panel from your smartphone or tablet, remotely with a simple app. So if your plans change, you can change the settings without rushing home. Sounds fun, right?
These devices are designed to make your life easier. If you’re lounging on the couch and it gets chilly, just use voice commands to adjust the temperature!
Some thermostats, have extra features like motion sensors. This allows them to sense, your movements around the house. They then adjust the temperature to the right value for those peak periods and save energy when no one is in the house.
They’ll also monitor your heating and air conditioning systems and send you alerts if there’s something wrong with them.
Why install a smart thermostat?
Installing a smart thermostat in your home offers a number of benefits:
- Remote control.
- Environmental friendliness.
- Economical, both in terms of time and money.
- Adjusting the comfort temperature for each individual room in the house.
If you use the smart thermostat frequently, it will adjust itself to the desired modes, and you won’t have to do the same thing every time. The app will automatically use the modes you choose, adapting to your preferences. When connected to the internet, it will be aware of the weather forecast! This means the smart thermostat will adjust the temperature in your home based on external conditions.
What does it take to install a smart thermostat?
Smart technology, at first glance, may seem too complicated and only available to Bill Gates, for example. But, installing a smart thermostat is actually quite simple. To do this, you will need:
- the thermostat itself;
- an instruction manual (must be read before installing);
- a screwdriver to loosen the screw clamps and support bar;
- a smartphone or tablet with a working camera and Internet;
- drill and pencil (in case of marking new holes);
- screws (may be included in the kit).
Before you start installing the smart thermostat, make sure you turn off the power with the circuit breaker in the switchboard. This will prevent any wires from shorting out when installing the new thermostat.
Dismantling the old thermostat
Disconnect the old thermostat from the power supply before installing the Wi-Fi thermostat.
Start by removing the front panel. You will see that each wire is connected to screw terminals. If there is a wall plate, loosen the screws that secure it to the wall.
Note how the wires were connected, make a note, or better yet, take a picture. Pull out each wire in turn. If the wire doesn’t come out easily, keep loosening the terminals.
Immediately insert the disconnected wire into the new smart thermostat into the appropriate socket and secure. Sometimes on newer models, the terminals may not be screw-type, so just plug the wires in. Once you’ve connected all the wires, push the panel of the smart thermostat in so that it snaps into place. Do the same procedure with the rest of the wires, then install the new thermostat in place of the old one.
Most often, modern thermostats have base plates slightly smaller than older models. Because of this, they have a wide base plate where the base plate is attached. This is convenient because it hides traces of the previous installation.
Finally, you can turn the power back on and your thermostat should work
Connecting a smart thermostat
Most “smart thermostats” set up very quickly. The interface lights up, and there are a few steps to take.
You’ll need to select your preferred settings: language, Internet connection, and Wi-Fi password. Connecting to the Internet will mean you can access the thermostat controls from within the app.
Also, the device may ask you to give it a name. Don’t be particularly original: for the kitchen, choose “Kitchen,” etc. This will keep you from getting confused or forgetting the name of the voice setting.
Your unit will ask you the date of the last repair. This will give the thermostat information about how well and up-to-date your home is insulated. For example, old insulation will mean that a little more heat will be needed.
Setting the temperature
The last step in the settings will be to set the desired air temperature for your home, including when you are away. Read the instruction manual carefully to understand the signs and symbols that will appear on the screen.
The first few days you will need to adjust the temperature manually.
Try to stick to a certain routine. For example, adjust it in the morning and evening. Over time, your thermostat will begin to pick up on these patterns and reflect them in the temperatures you set. If you have a thermostat with a motion sensor, it will also use your motion activity data to set temperatures.
If you forget to adjust the temperature, don’t panic. You’ll be able to adjust it perfectly from your smartphone on your way to work, for example!
Using your thermostat remotely
Operating your thermostat from your smartphone is quite easy, the main prerequisite is a network or mobile internet connection.
To access your thermostat, log in and use your account password. Control your energy use and adjust the temperature when you’re away from home!
Warm, convenient, economical
Now you know what a smart thermostat is and you can start using it today!
You no longer need to wait for your home to warm up after a long absence, wake up feeling cold or hot, or pay exorbitant electricity bills.